Friday, May 23, 2008

Philosophy, Spirituality and Humanity

The other day I was in a discussion with a person who was in his early 60s. A well qualified retired person settled comfortably. We were discussing on various aspects of life in the present day world. The discussion was whirling around whether the above three, philosophy, spirituality and humanity are interlinked.

I was pointing out to him that whatever be the religion and whatever spiritual course one follows, the basic fundamental factor one has to observe is how helpful it would be for the humanity. Mere chanting of Mantras , observing fast, participating in any number of “Sat Sanghs” will not be of any use until one admits the fact that serving the humanity is the foremost Karma. We should be bold enough to point out our fingers against the unrighteousness around us.

However he did not agree to my observations. Though he is a learned man and a wide reader of Philosophical books and deeply involved in spirituality, I found him lacking in giving a human touch. His argument was that no one is competent enough to point out any thing against any one. According to him if a person after doing all nastiness during day and night ( cruelty to his household, involves in all types of cruelty to the society) and leads a life of misdeeds, chants mantras in front of the deity, he could be considered to have reformed or refined, though he behaves in the same way on consecutive days. He was explaining in a philosophical plane, that was what he told me, that no one has any right to point a finger against other’s deeds or acts unless the one himself is reformed or refined. He was telling that every one is to be seen as “Narayana” quoting what he heard in a Harikatha I asked him whether it is correct to keep one’s eyes closed against the misdeeds? Is n’t it a foremost duty of one to raise the fingers?

I asked him if in a house, out of five children , two face difficultie, is n’t it the duty of the other three to offer a lending hand to the other two. I was taken aback by his answer
His answer was whether you expect the other three to support them monetarily, how can it be? Those two are suffering due to their own Karma.

This is not philosophy but selfishness. This is not what scriptures preach. This is human beings tendency to take an unhelpful attitude due to selfishness. Philosophy, spirituality and humanity are inseparable. Philosophy never represents the three monkeys, deaf, dumb and blind. It is one’s mind set. It is a misinterpretation or comvenient interpretaion of Hindu scriptures, to shirk off one’s responsibilities. In the above example the question raised was “why the other three give support ?” Is n’t it due to the fear that it may make a dent in one’s richness. Here there is no meaning for relationship. Money is the only matter, for which any number of verses from scriptures will be quoted.

The same person was saying that every individual has to be seen as “Narayana”. Coming to Hindu Mythology, who is Narayana? It is the God Almighty. Lord Krishna is the avatharapurusha of Narayana. What Krishna does as per Mahabharatha? He resorts to all sorts of conciliation and when nothing works out He prevails upon Arjuna to take the path of war and kills the Kuaravas. This is answer to my first example. It is the duty of an ideal person to raise voice against the injustice or misdeeds and not to give an evasive reply “In what way it concerns me?”.

Narayana is the embodiment of Love and Affection. It is said that one can please the God only through Bakthi. What is Bhakthi? It is not mere reading of spiritual books, chanting of mantras or slokas etc. It is the unblemished love and affection. Love and affection , in this material world, has a different connotation. “I have lot of love and affection towards you” is only cosmetic approach. Real love and affection is lending a helping hand to the needy. The mind set to help others whether your own kith and kin who are in real need or for that matter to any one, is the way of expressing the love and affection , an act of compassion.

Philosophy is a mode for giving you consolation in your life, It is not a tool to be used to escape from one’s responsibilities. If one takes an unhelpful stand like the one whom I was quoting, the mind set of such persons can never be changed. If you are obsessive, only your own experience can change your individual traits. If one closes his eyes towards the miseries of his own kith and kin under the shelter of Philosophical approach, it would be very difficult to change him. This is at micro level , your family. If this is extended to macro level, ie Society ,such persons will never come forward .

Spirituality is another way of serving the humanity. This gains you more strength and perseverance. This helps you to look at life in a wider perceptive. Here you learn how to build your character. Bakthi marga is nothing but unblemished love towards the God, Or, in simple words “God is Love”, means you should be compassionate. If you believe in rebirth, the virtuous birth is that of human being . Why? In this birth only you have the power of “vivechana” ie the skill of differentiating things. Spirituality is not the path of keeping oneself aloof from the world.

Usha Venkat

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